What is the difference between calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite

Calcium hypochlorite
Calcium hypochlorite is the effective ingredient of bleaching powder, and sodium hypochlorite is the effective ingredient of 84 disinfectant. From the perspective of disinfection, they are all hypochlorite, with similar effects. However, sodium ions are not easy to precipitate, while calcium ions and many anions precipitate.

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Comparative description of calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite
Namecalcium hypochloritesodium hypochlorite
Exteriorwhite powder or granulesslightly yellow solution
DescriptionCalcium hypochlorite is a white solid chemical substance with molecular formula Ca(ClO)2, soluble in water, contains 37-78% available chlorine, has strong bleaching, disinfection and oxidation properties, and is widely used in water treatment, Swimming pool disinfection, food processing and toilet cleaning and other fields.Sodium hypochlorite is a yellowish solution, chemical formula NaClO, Produced by reacting the chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide. It is easy to release chlorine gas, relatively stable when temperature lower, has strong bleaching, disinfection and oxidation effects.Widely used in food processing, sanitary cleaning, water treatment and swimming pool disinfection and other fields.
1.Calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite look different

Calcium hypochlorite is a white solid in the form of powder, flakes or granules, which is easy to dissolve in water, while sodium hypochlorite is usually a yellow transparent liquid with a certain smell.

2.The chemical properties of calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite are different

(1) The chemical stability of calcium hypochlorite is much higher than that of sodium hypochlorite ;

(2) When calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite react with acid, calcium hypochlorite will release chlorine gas and generate calcium chloride, while sodium hypochlorite will release chlorine gas and generate sodium chloride.

(3) Both calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite are inorganic compounds consisting of metal cations, hypochlorite ions and anions. Among them, the metal cation of calcium hypochlorite is calcium ion (Ca2+), and the metal cation of sodium hypochlorite is sodium ion (Na+).

(4) Calcium hypochlorite is a solid at room temperature with a melting point of about 100°C. Sodium hypochlorite is a compound that is easily hydrolyzed and will decompose rapidly in water, so it is not easy to obtain solid sodium hypochlorite at room temperature.

3.The production process of calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite is different, and the formula of calcium hypochlorite is different from that of sodium hypochlorite
A. Calcium hypochlorite is made by treating calcium hydroxide (lime) with chlorine gas. According to the amount of calcium hypochlorite required, the treatment process can be divided into different stages. The following is the detailed production process of calcium hypochlorite:

(1) Raw material preparation: Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) is the main raw material of calcium hypochlorite. Typically, calcium hydroxide is extracted from limestone or other calcium-containing ores.

(2) Reaction preparation: put calcium hydroxide into the reactor, and react to generate calcium hypochlorite through introducing chlorine gas. The reaction equation is: Ca(OH)2 + 2Cl2 → Ca(ClO)2 + 2H2O

(3) Separation and purification: After the reaction, the reaction mixture is separated and purified to obtain high-purity calcium hypochlorite product. This usually involves steps such as filtration, crystallization, drying, etc.

B. Sodium hypochlorite can be produced by electrolysis of sodium chloride or oxidizing the sodium chloride by chlorine gas.

Method 1, electrolyze sodium chloride. Add sodium chloride into electrolytic cell, through the electrolyze process, we will get the chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide. chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide will further react to generate the sodium hypochlorite solution.

Method 2, Oxidizing sodium hydroxide by Chlorine gas: The raw materials of this method are sodium hydroxide and chlorine gas. The sodium hydroxide solution and chlorine gas are mixed and reacted to generate sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen chloride, and then high-purity sodium hypochlorite is obtained through separation and purification steps.

4.Calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite price comparison

Due to the different raw materials and production techniques, the price of calcium hypochlorite is much more higher than that of sodium hypochlorite. The price of sodium hypochlorite is 450 US dollars per ton. While the granular calcium hypochlorite is about US$1150, and calcium hypochlorite tablet is around US$1250 per ton. Hoever, the price fluctuates a lot with the market, raw material, etc situation, so, you can contact us for an accurate quotation.

5.Handling and storage of calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite
A. Handling and storage of calcium hypochlorite

Operators should wear hood-type electric air-supply filter dust-proof respirators, tape anti-virus clothing, and neoprene gloves. Keep away from fire and heat sources. Keep away from flammable and combustible materials. Ensure the safety of the operator.

Precautions for storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. The packaging is required to be airtight and not in contact with air. It must be stored and transported in accordance with the safety laws and instructions stipulated by the local government. Ensure that goods are stored without deterioration and hazardous conditions.

B. Handling and storage of sodium hypochlorite
  1. Full ventilation is required while in a closed environment. Operators must undergo special training, wear direct gas masks, chemical safety protective glasses, anti-corrosion work clothes, and rubber gloves. After work, they should shower and change clothes in time to ensure the health and safety of operators.
  2. Avoid exposure to sunlight, rain, and high temperature during transportation, and store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. To ensure the safe storage of sodium hypochlorite.
6.The function and application of calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite
A. The function and use of calcium hypochlorite
Calcium hypochlorite is a white solid powder,ganular or tablet with a strong chlorine smell. It is an important bleaching and disinfectant material used mainly in:

(1) Pool water disinfection: Calcium hypochlorite can kill bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms in water, and is widely used in the disinfection and purification of swimming pools, SPA bathtubs, water treatment equipment and other places.

(2) Drinking water treatment: Calcium hypochlorite can be used for drinking water disinfection and purification , and can effectively kill pathogenic microorganisms in water, such as E. coli and Salmonella.

(3) Medical and health field: Calcium hypochlorite is a broad-spectrum disinfectant, which can be used for surface disinfection and equipment disinfection in hospitals, clinics, laboratories and other places.

(4) Food processing industry: Calcium hypochlorite can be used for vegetables, fruits, meat and other foods disinfection and bleaching, making it safer and more hygienic.

(5) Industrial use: Calcium hypochlorite can also be used for bleaching and disinfection in industrial production, such as papermaking, weaving, leather processing and other industries.

(6) Sewage treatment: Calcium hypochlorite can be used for disinfection and purification in sewage treatment, which can effectively kill bacteria and viruses in sewage and improve the effect of sewage treatment.

(7) Pure water production: Calcium hypochlorite can be used for disinfection and purification of pure water to ensure the hygiene and safety of pure water.

(8) Cleaning and sanitary products: Calcium hypochlorite can be used for bleaching and disinfection in cleaning and sanitary products such as washing powder and detergent.

B. Functions and uses of calcium hypochlorite

(1) Pulp bleaching .

(2) Bleaching of textiles, such as cloth, towels, sweaters, etc.

(3) Chemical fiber bleaching .

(4) Starch bleaching .

(5) Soap making industry is used as oil bleaching agent .

(6) In the chemical industry, it is used to produce hydrazine hydrate, monochloramine and dicyandiamide .

(7) Chlorinating agents used in the manufacture of cobalt and nickel .

(8) Used as water purifier, bactericide, and disinfectant in water treatment .

(9) The dye industry is used to manufacture sapphire blue .

(10) The organic industry is used to make chloropicrin, a detergent for the hydration of calcium carbide to acetylene .

(11) Agriculture and animal husbandry are used as disinfectants and deodorants for vegetables, fruits, farms and livestock houses, etc.

(12) Food-grade products are used for disinfection of drinking water, fruits and vegetables, and sterilization of food manufacturing equipment and utensils.

If you need calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite chemicals be sure to contact us at info@envochemical.com for a free quote, we are happy to ship the chemicals you need from our factory to you.
ENVO WATER TREATMENT INDUSTRY CO., LTD is a subsidiary of ENVO GROUP , specializing in the production of disinfection products. It mainly produces calcium hypochlorite , sodium hypochlorite, SDIC , TCCA and other disinfection products as well as some fine chemicals.

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