The importance of oxidation disinfection process in water treatment and the introduction of commonly used oxidation disinfection products


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The water supply and drainage industry is mainly composed of waterworks and sewage treatment plants. The two types are different, but they are closely related in practice. Raw water — water company (large enterprise self-owned water plant) — purification and disinfection — residents, industry, public facilities, petrochemical industry, etc. — use of sewage — sewage treatment plant — purification and disinfection — Outflow — raw water. The quality of source water determines which process the water company should choose to produce high-quality water, because it is directly related to the health level of all users at the back end. The wastewater generated in production and life is purified and disinfected by the sewage treatment plant and then discharged into the river It becomes the source water, and the purification and disinfection process of the sewage treatment plant determines the quality of the source water.

Oxidation and disinfection process of the water company and the sewage treatment plant involved in the entire closed-loop process is very important. The pre-oxidation and effluent disinfection of the water plant, and the disinfection of the effluent of the sewage treatment plant kill water (bacteria, viruses, fungi, microorganisms, spores) , Heavy metals in oxidized water, odor, odor, organic matter, pesticides, antibiotics) The purpose of disinfection is to kill various pathogenic microorganisms, prevent the spread of water-induced diseases, and protect people’s health. It can effectively remove geosmelter, 2-methylisoalcohol, high algae and two insects in water.

Due to the pollution of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater, natural water contains various microorganisms, including bacterial pathogenic microorganisms and viral pathogenic microorganisms that can cause diseases. Not only disinfection, but also safe disinfection, disinfection will produce toxic by-products, and many disinfectants themselves are carcinogens, such as chlorine preparations (sodium hypochlorite, liquid chlorine).

The worse the water quality, the greater the dosage of disinfection will produce more by-products, and the longer the disinfection time, the more by-products will be produced. When the microorganisms are killed in large quantities, the by-products tend to be stable, and it is necessary to control the disinfection dosage and disinfection. time.

At present, the products used in the oxidation and disinfection of water supply and drainage enterprises in the industry include: (chemical method) high-purity chlorine dioxide , compound chlorine dioxide , finished sodium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite generator, ozone, potassium permanganate, liquid chlorine; (physical method) Ultraviolet rays, because ultraviolet rays do not have continuous disinfection capabilities, are difficult to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms. Tap water is basically not used. Sewage treatment plants use ultraviolet rays for disinfection, but bacterial sampling and detection basically cannot meet the standards and cannot block the spread of viruses.

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